Be still. Quiet down your mind. Listen more, talk less. Meditate. Concentrate. Remain quiet. Cherish the silence. Almost all principles of living a less stressful and more serene life talk about the benefits of becoming comfortable with silence. Eckhart Tolle, in his book “The Power of Now,” speaks about going to a […]
Continue Reading: Serenity Now!
beau·ty noun \ˈbyü-tē\ plural: beauties Definition of beauty: 1 : the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit : loveliness 2 : a beautiful person or thing; especially : a beautiful woman 3 : a […]
Continue Reading: See For Yourself…
In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey tells the story of a woman who is rushing to catch her airplane. She woke up late, threw herself together, and dashed for the airport. Once she is checked in and headed for the correct gate, she realizes how hungry she is and […]
Continue Reading: Paradigm Shifts
One of my primary goals as I set out to write was to transfer ideas and methods for more peace of mind, introspection, and overall life satisfaction without criticizing anyone or anything. I did not realize how difficult a task this would be. It is amazing to me how often we hear, […]
Continue Reading: Can you believe these people?
Exercising overwhelms me – especially when I have not been doing any physical activity for awhile. The thought of devoting an hour or two to going to the gym, or running, or lifting weights, or doing any of the things I have done to stay in shape in the past seems too big a […]
Continue Reading: Think Small!
I have a good life. In fact, my life is awesome. I would not change a thing in it. At least, that is how I feel right now, in this moment. It is early, and my first cup of coffee tasted really good. Oh, and the kids aren’t up yet. Anyway, even in those times […]
Continue Reading: What Needs to Change?