Why is it so easy to put someone else down? What is it about gossip, negative stories, and character assassination that draws us in as human beings? Lately, there has been much talk and coverage of young people who have been the objects of ridicule and who have harmed themselves or […]
Continue Reading: Is It Just Me??
“A goal not written down is only a dream” – Steven Covey. As a child, I loved to daydream. It was my way to escape the boredom of things. My most frequent daydream was about getting a motorized go cart. I would imagine myself zipping around the many wooded trails near my house. I […]
Continue Reading: Ask and you shall receive?
I hope you will accept my apology. As I looked over the last few blogs, I noticed that I have broken one of the goals I had set for my writing. I have not been brief. I have, in fact, been much wordier than I intended to be. That ends today. When I started […]
Continue Reading: Can You Picture That?
Well, how did you do? Or better yet, how are you doing with the challenge? I know from personal experiences and from the testimony of others, that this challenge is not easy. It is actually extremely hard! I realize that many people who did try may have found the task too overwhelming, or maybe got […]
Continue Reading: Silence: Week Two