For those of you who do not have a GPS, the phrase “recalculating” is one that we GPS users know all too well. It is either shown on the screen, usually with the dreaded spinning hourglass icon, or it is spoken by the woman who lives inside of your GPS – the one who […]
Continue Reading: Recalculating
Do you have an attitude of gratitude? This is the time of year when gratitude is emphasized – or, at least, it is supposed to be. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday, even from a young age. It was one of those rare times when our whole family got together to basically […]
Continue Reading: Giving Thanks
I can’t believe it’s been five years since Hurricane Katrina struck. It is also hard to believe that the 9/11 attacks happened over 9 years ago. I was thinking about those tragedies recently, thinking about the images and stories that came out during those times, and all of the stories that came out afterward. […]
Continue Reading: Bucket Filling
When is the last time you were reminded of how little in your life is actually in your control? For me, it happened on November 4th. That has now become one of those dates that I will remember forever, I will remember exactly where I was, when the phone call came, when it […]
Continue Reading: A Little Help, Please?
Lately I have been researching information on the effects of various chemicals on the brain. In the field of addiction, great strides have been made in this area, and the belief is that there is more data now than ever that shows exactly how the addictive brain reacts differently to certain stimulus than does the […]
Continue Reading: The Reports are in!