In the clearing stands a boxer, a fighter by his trade. And he carries the reminders of every glove that’s layed him down or cut him till he cried out, in his anger and his shame “I am leaving, I am leaving” but the fighter still remains, yes he still remains… Last week I talked […]
Continue Reading: Fight Time!
Do you know anyone who could use therapy? A better question might be do you know anyone who could not use some therapy? I worked with a psychiatrist in the past “who since has retired, sold everything, and moved to Mexico,” who used to say: “If you meet someone without a personality disorder, they […]
Continue Reading: Car Talk
Do you have a love story in your life? Most of us do. But sometimes we forget it. I have a really good one. I thought about selling it to a Hollywood producer for a movie, or at least a Hallmark made for t.v. movie, but I could never decide who should play all […]
Continue Reading: A Love Story
Is there anything worse than a hypocrite? Well, probably. In fact, I’m sure there certainly is. But this week I am feeling like a hypocrite, and it feels pretty bad. Over the last few weeks, I have been pouring out advice over working through old hurts and pains “all of which was good, solid, accurate […]
Continue Reading: Do As I Say, Not As I Do…