There have been a few stories in our town lately involving drugs and alcohol that are upsetting people. The first happened a few weeks ago at a high school dance. Some of the young people who attended turned out to be inebriated. And that is an understatement. They had consumed enough alcohol so that their […]
Continue Reading: Not My Kid!
When I grew up, we did not go on many long car trips. Well, not as many as other families might have. I had cousins who lived on Long Island, and that was the only lengthy trip we took with any regularity. I used to look forward to the ride – I loved it, in fact. […]
Continue Reading: Are We There Yet?
Check out this link: Lately I’ve been reminded of what powerful forces chain reactions can produce. The current devastation in Japan is also a grim reminder that despite all we know about the earth and its processes – we really know very little. The current “advancements” proceeding that tragedy did detect that an earthquake […]
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What do you take for a headache? What is your favorite medication to help with a cold? How about a fever – what works best for that? Upset stomach? Insomnia? Allergies? When you go to the doctor, do you expect to leave with a prescription? One last question: Have you ever used heroin for […]
Continue Reading: One Pill Makes You Larger…