Do you enjoy science? I enjoy it now more than I used to. I never much cared for math, either, unless it involved money. Then I found it interesting. I can remember sitting at my grandparent’s kitchen table counting small piles of coins and putting them in paper rolls to bring to the bank. I […]
Continue Reading: Just Keep Moving Forward
I am part of the great “social network” now, and I log in every now and then to check on my status and to see if anyone new wants to be my friend. I was resistant to joining it all at first, and it was my wife who convinced me. Up until then, I had […]
Continue Reading: Oh, What a Tangled Web…
I turned myself in last week. It had to be done. It was only a matter of time until they found me, and took me, and made me responsible for what I had done. In truth, I was relieved when I was finally in the building and gave myself up. I had expected that the […]
Continue Reading: Watch N Weight
I recently saw a bumper sticker that read “Do you feel safer yet?” I could relate. Because usually I don’t. But the sentiment got me thinking about the countless times I have turned to anger, resentments, or good old revenge when I have felt threatened or challenged, or worst of all, scared in the past. […]
Continue Reading: You Won’t Like Me When I’m Angry!
There is a lion in my backyard. But if you come to visit, don’t worry – she won’t attack you. She can’t. And she wouldn’t even if she could. She’s not that kind of a lion. Simba was sent to me – like most things that have entered my life – from God. I […]
Continue Reading: The Lion Queen