52 weeks ago I set down a challenge for myself. I wanted to see if I could post a weekly blog for one year. Now I have done that. Hooray! And now, much like I assume Forest Gump felt like when he began running across the country and eventually realized he had no tangible […]
Continue Reading: #52 -The End. Sort of…
Here is some free and unsolicited advice for you: if you are ever mandated to go for any type of evaluation with a counselor, and they ask questions about your family of origin, DO NOT say that things were “fantastic, wonderful, or, the worst choice of all – normal”. Any of these answers will quickly […]
Continue Reading: Family Ties – The Ties That Bind
Last week, my family and I spent a few days in what can best be described as paradise. Well, for some it might be paradise “unplugged”. And for others it may just be tedious, boring, torture. But for us it was magnificent. The place I am talking about is a resort hidden deep in the […]
Continue Reading: New Jersey Drivers