I like muffins. And I must admit that when I first heard the slang term “muffin top” used to describe the puffy layer of fat-filled skin that oozes over one’s waist line and overhangs the waistline of one’s clothing, I knew that my appreciation and taste for muffins would be forever altered. I don’t think […]
Continue Reading: Do You Know The Muffin Man?
My two girls were both in school plays this year, and both shone like the bright stars they are in this father’s humble opinion. One was Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and the other was The Cat in the Hat in Seussical the Musical. The pose and talent and joy that my […]
Continue Reading: The Show Must Go On…
In my experience, the term “harmless drug” is an oxymoron, an expression meant to convince someone that the use of a certain substance is perfectly acceptable because of the low possibility of damage the drug may cause to one’s body or mind. The problem with this line of thinking is that most drugs are considered […]
Continue Reading: Buyer Beware
I know how the Colonel feels. Starting this fall, “Professor” Farr will begin a full time position at Hudson Valley Community College teaching and supervising future substance abuse counselors. And although I did not use any explosives, machine guns, or covert means to knock Bosco Albert “B.A.” Baracus out and get him on the plane, […]
Continue Reading: Stick to The Plan