One of my favorite teachers in 7th grade used to jokingly gauge the difficulty of our tests by the number of Martinis we would need to drink after taking the test to recover from the mental effort required. He would refer to the hardest challenges as “3 Martini Tests” and most of the students […]
Continue Reading: Mixed Messages
My father and I stood before the door of the small, run down trailer and I could feel my heart beating faster in my chest as my fists slowly clenched and unclenched. He walked up and knocked on the door, and I moved up, standing behind him, looking over his shoulder, and noticing for the […]
Continue Reading: Leading the way with love
I have worked with many young people in the Saratoga region over the last 17 years who were in treatment for problems associated with addiction. Although these kids were very different in many ways, there were some common risk factors among them that are rarely discussed in our community. And that needs to change if […]
Continue Reading: Access + Attitude = Addiction