As Father’s Day approaches, I am in the bittersweet position of missing my own dad who died nearly 20 years ago, while at the same time being extremely grateful for all I learned from him and from many other men of distinction that have been placed in my life through these years. I owe much […]
Continue Reading: Men of Distinction
I believe that the best moms are the ones that want to have fun with their children, especially in those fleeting years when the kids are young, and the summers seem long. My mother really knew how to rock the summers when we grew up, and I never really appreciated this until I became a […]
Continue Reading: Mom Rocks the Summer!
We just wanted some ice cream cones. My family had been to this particular store on our last vacation and we were all looking forward to returning. There are very few foods and even fewer beverages of which I can honestly call myself a connoisseur, but ice cream is the exception to this rule. […]
Continue Reading: Ice Cream With the Walking Dead