I learned from a young age how to be a hard worker. It took considerably longer to learn how to work smart. One of the worst four-lettered insults around my house growing up, especially from my Dad, was being labeled as lazy. I don’t believe the man ever slept beyond seven-o’clock in the morning, choosing […]
Continue Reading: Lessons From My Dad, Professor Hinkle, and Craftsman Tools
I’ve been told by far healthier people than myself that in a successful Program of Recovery, it’s important to make amends quickly when you’re wrong or when you’ve hurt someone else with your words and actions. Bill W. and the creators of the 12 Step Program thought this […]
Continue Reading: The Art of The Smirk: If You Can Spot It, You Got It
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K5_YQ_e8hY This clip is from my favorite Simpson’s episode, and I think it’s an excellent (and hysterical) depiction of the weird and often uncomfortable dynamic that happens so often once someone enters recovery. When I stopped drinking, I knew some things would need to change. Like drinking so much, and during most of my free […]
Continue Reading: Homer’s Guide to Friendship and Sobriety