Aug 22

            I enjoy the ocean now.  Well, not swimming in the ocean – ever.  But the dry part of the ocean, what some call the shore.  That part is good now.  Well, it’s tolerable.  If you have a beach tent that doesn’t get blown over and if you have plenty of water and snacks.  Then, […]

Continue Reading: An Amends (Sort Of) To The Ocean
Aug 9

               I almost got a tattoo of a buffalo when I was younger.  At the time I was living in Boulder, Colorado and surrounded by other tree huggers, fun-seekers, and free-spirits in their early 20’s.  Ironically, the only thing that stopped me was the fact that the Buffalo was the mascot of the University of […]

Continue Reading: Buffalo in the Mist – Custer State Park
May 27

July 15 is a special day for Ballston Spa resident Sean Kelleher Posted on 07.14.14 by pcadmin By Lauren Mineau for The Saratogian>> July 15 is a special day for Ballston Spa resident Sean Kelleher. He’ll be three years sober and attending a film screening at Bow Tie Cinemas that he brought to life. “The Anonymous People,” […]

Continue Reading: The Ying and Yang of RAIS
Jan 1

Since quitting alcohol and other drugs 25 years ago, I always took a pass when it came to making New Year’s Resolutions.  If asked about a resolution for the upcoming year, I simply responded, “I thought I might quit drinking.”  I felt justified in giving other changes and sacrifices a pass not only because the […]

Continue Reading: Becoming Lighter in 2022
Mar 24

Welcome friends and thank you for checking out my first blog of 2020! If you are a returning reader, welcome back! I’m assuming you require less acclamation and explanation for what’s in store. If this is your first time reading my thoughts, I feel that a preamble is necessary. Some of my rambles may not […]

Continue Reading: Top Movies for the Quarantine – Part One!
Feb 10

I’ve never had much game when it came to making initial conversation with women I find attractive.  But despite this affliction, I managed to marry a hottie, whom I love truly and deeply.  The fact that she dealt with my inability to read signs of flirtation (and the countless other character defects she’s put up […]

Continue Reading: Wonder Woman’s QTip of Love
Jan 29

I learned from a young age how to be a hard worker.  It took considerably longer to learn how to work smart. One of the worst four-lettered insults around my house growing up, especially from my Dad, was being labeled as lazy.  I don’t believe the man ever slept beyond seven-o’clock in the morning, choosing […]

Continue Reading: Lessons From My Dad, Professor Hinkle, and Craftsman Tools
Jan 22

              I’ve been told by far healthier people than myself that in a successful Program of Recovery, it’s important to make amends quickly when you’re wrong or when you’ve hurt someone else with your words and actions.  Bill W. and the creators of the 12 Step Program thought this […]

Continue Reading: The Art of The Smirk: If You Can Spot It, You Got It
Jan 12 This clip is from my favorite Simpson’s episode, and I think it’s an excellent (and hysterical) depiction of the weird and often uncomfortable dynamic that happens so often once someone enters recovery. When I stopped drinking, I knew some things would need to change. Like drinking so much, and during most of my free […]

Continue Reading: Homer’s Guide to Friendship and Sobriety
Nov 7

  Since the presidential elections last November, I’ve been doing my best to make lemonade with the countless lemons that keep raining down from the White House.  As a person in long-term Recovery from addiction, a substance abuse counselor, and a professor of Addictions Studies, I’m well aware of the wisdom of The Serenity Prayer […]

Continue Reading: An Intervention Plan for America

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