I realized something odd this week. I feel O.K. Peaceful. Tranquil. Serene. And this is odd for me, because my life circumstances haven’t changed in any significant way to cultivate these feelings. If anything, my life situation today is more uncertain, unpredictable, and downright scary than ever before. And it would seem that I […]
Continue Reading: Promises, PromisesThings were getting ugly. You could feel the anger and tension rising in the mob as each second passed by. More and more people were joining the unruly group, many of them visibly burned, and tired, and dehydrated from hours in the sun. There were children in the midst of it all – some […]
Continue Reading: The Time of Our Lives?Do you enjoy science? I enjoy it now more than I used to. I never much cared for math, either, unless it involved money. Then I found it interesting. I can remember sitting at my grandparent’s kitchen table counting small piles of coins and putting them in paper rolls to bring to the bank. I […]
Continue Reading: Just Keep Moving ForwardI am part of the great “social network” now, and I log in every now and then to check on my status and to see if anyone new wants to be my friend. I was resistant to joining it all at first, and it was my wife who convinced me. Up until then, I had […]
Continue Reading: Oh, What a Tangled Web…I turned myself in last week. It had to be done. It was only a matter of time until they found me, and took me, and made me responsible for what I had done. In truth, I was relieved when I was finally in the building and gave myself up. I had expected that the […]
Continue Reading: Watch N WeightI recently saw a bumper sticker that read “Do you feel safer yet?” I could relate. Because usually I don’t. But the sentiment got me thinking about the countless times I have turned to anger, resentments, or good old revenge when I have felt threatened or challenged, or worst of all, scared in the past. […]
Continue Reading: You Won’t Like Me When I’m Angry!There is a lion in my backyard. But if you come to visit, don’t worry – she won’t attack you. She can’t. And she wouldn’t even if she could. She’s not that kind of a lion. Simba was sent to me – like most things that have entered my life – from God. I […]
Continue Reading: The Lion QueenLast week I talked about the chasm that appears to exist between religious beliefs and scientific explanation of the origins of our world and everything around it. This relationship has troubled me for years. It seems ironic that religion and science, both having the same goal of discovering the “truth,” are often viewed in […]
Continue Reading: The Answer to Everything – Sort Of…One of the goals on my “bucket list” is to make a movie. My wife is on board with the project. We are both fans of movies, well, good movies – movies that show in every scene that there was a great deal of time, and effort, and thought put into them. I am […]
Continue Reading: He’s Back!The Hubble Space Telescope took over 13 years to build and cost about 200 million dollars. The engineers who built the telescope took the term “meticulous” meticulously. Everything needed to be right. Everything needed to be perfect. And when the the first pictures were sent back from the telescope, while press cameras rolled and […]
Continue Reading: Good Enough?